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Comfortable Tanks Sale at Styles for Less

Weekday Knit Tank - LGE - White
Sleeveless heather knit top featuring a scooped neckline and racer back with raw stitch... [More]
Price: $8.99

No Time To Waste Tank
Sleeveless marled knit top featuring a scooped neckline with stitching. High low hemlin... [More]
Price: $12.99

Hot NYFW Hair Trends to Copy from E

5 Oils that Are Great for Your Hair

5Oils that Are Great for Your Hair

 Peppermint Essential Oil helps improve the condition of the scalp by cleaning away dead skin. It also helps stimulate hair growth.


Rosemary Essential Oil stimulates the scalp to promote hair growth. It may also delay the graying of hair. It can also aide in cleansing hair follicles, increasing circulation to the scalp and all this can lead to stronger and thicker hair.

Beauty Hack # 1: DIY EOS Eye Shadow Video

After posting my first product review in a while I came across this DIY/Beauty hack video for eye shadow. It was created by Soozooya, she is a Youtuber and very creative from what I can see.  I thought it was amazing so I had to share. I will post some of my creations using this method in a later post.

Product Review: EOS Shimmer

I know most of you already are aware of EOS lip balms, but for those of you who are not, EOS means evolution of smooth and it is a lip balm. It really does help keep the lips soft and the round packaging makes a big difference in the coverage (my opinion).

Their latest product is really good for those days when you want a little subtle pizazz, like days you are at the gym and lipstick is too much you can just throw this in you workout bag. You get a little shimmer plus awesomely softer lips.

It comes in two colors that I've seen so far. Pearl and Sheer pink. I picked up pearl but, I think the best choice for everyday is pink shimmer.

I love this product keeping me beautiful and practical.

Photo from the EOS website

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